Weaving Tradition, Nature, and Culture Into a Vibrant Hub
Gila River Indian Community Hashan Kehk Community Center
The story of the Hashan Kehk Community Center integrates the importance of its community by weaving together the contours of the land, the views of Yellow Peak, the textures of traditional baskets, and the inspiration of the Saguaro into a design rich in meaning to its inhabitants. This 37,000 SF facility houses the district’s administration offices, elder center, children’s after school recreation activities, as well as, a gathering place for the many and varied community functions. While there, community members are able to use all of these features while still being connected to their rich culture and the shared values of the Gila River Indian Community.
The multi-generational community center on the Gila River Community includes a fitness center with a gymnasium, elevated running track, weight room, education spaces, activity rooms, gathering spaces and administrative offices. Hashen Kehk, which means “standing cactus,” inspired many elements of project design and is also the name of one of the districts within the community.