Nurturing Wellbeing and Building Connections
Hope Community Center
Hope Community Center is conceptualized as an armature of two meshing gears representing the school and the community, which evolve each other while reinforcing the four Kids @ Hope pillars: family & home, education & career, hobbies & recreation, community & service. The involute curve, the diagram behind the meshing gears and its underlying golden ratio proportioning system are used as the foundation for space planning.
The four pillars are epitomized by spaces within the center where events and programs aimed at kids to help visualize, engage in mental time travel to the future, come back to the present to work towards that successful future. Transparency, reflection & visualization are key principles to affect the center’s intended functionality, and take formal/spatial renditions including the open gymnasium glazing offering visual connections, and an entry designed as an anamorphic moment-scape offering a fleeting moment of reflection within each pillar represented by the letters HOPE.